Myrth: A digital wellness company, a ceramics shop, a band, a plumber in Oregon


When Myrth founder Emma McLaren chose the name for her digital wellness company, she had a lot of good reasons for doing so. It’s a play on “mirth,” a word synonymous with joy and happiness. It starts with “my,” which ties into the community’s focus on self-improvement. It has a fun spelling, which makes it stand out and helps it be memorable.

But did you know there are other things called Myrth, too? 

When we got around to doing some googling here at Myrth, we discovered we weren’t the only ones feeling the positive vibes from the name. Here’s a rundown of some others who wound up walking a similar naming path. We’re glad to be in such good company - even if none of them are similar to our digital wellness company.

Myrth is a ceramics company. Based in Boston, Myrth Ceramics is run by a husband and wife duo who focus on elegant, simple, minimalist designs. Each of their pieces is handcrafted and glazed with a unique color palette that they design in-house. We love the smooth surfaces and graceful curves of their dinner plates. 

Myrth is a band. In 1969, a jazz-rock band called Myrth put out a couple short recordings and one LP. If you’re in the mood for some funky tunes, give them a listen! We’ve developed a bit of a soft spot for having them on in the background while we’re working.

Myrth is a sea in Westeros. That’s right, Game of Thrones fans, your favorite fictional world has its own Myrth. The Sea of Myrth is an inlet that’s technically in Essos, not Westeros, near Tyrosh and the Free City of Myr. It’s a small spot on the larger ASOIAF map, but its key location separating the Disputed Lands from regions further north makes it fairly significant.

Myrth was an artist. We found quite a few women named Myrth over the years, but we fell in love with a particular Myrth who passed away in 2014. Myrth Beaurline Schuette graduated from the University of Wisconsin, Madison in 1946 with a degree in art education and spent the rest of her long life involved in the art community. She even founded and ran a gallery with several artist friends and taught art therapy to patients at a local mental health center. We so admire her community spirit and devotion to art.

Myrth is a liqueur. If you like botanically-infused liqueurs, this one is made from myrtle berries macerated in pure alcohol. We’re fans of healthy living here at Myrth, so we obviously don’t encourage drinking to excess, but a glass of something special now and then is okay by us. We’re curious about how this would stack up against some of the other botanically-infused liqueurs out there.

To make a long story very short, Myrth gives us some seriously warm and fuzzy feelings, and it looks like we’re not the only ones. The world can be big and scary sometimes, but we can make it feel better by surrounding ourselves with things that encourage positivity and warmth. That’s why we’re a fan of Myrth in its many incarnations.

Until next time, friends, and keep smiling and stay digitally well.

Have you ever named something only to find out that other things shared the same name? What did you do? Share with us in the comment section!

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