Get to Myrth


What is Myrth? 

It's this website, sure. It's a community of people devoted to growth and improvement, absolutely. It's a protocol for growing and improving, too. 

But more than anything, Myrth is a destination and a journey. It's a state of being that isn't exactly constant joy, but isn't unbridled sorrow or irrepressible anger, either. The best way we can think of describing Myrth is as a state of “okayness”. 

It's when you reach a point where you can say that the things around you aren't what you want, and might even be bad at the moment, but you're going to be okay in the end - that’s Myrth.

It's not resignation, which leaves us feeling like there's no point in working to improve things. It's not defeatism, which is completely devoid of hope. It's acceptance mixed with a certain optimism, a state of living comfortably if not happy in the present, while still working toward a better, more joyful future. 

That's what we mean when we say “Get Myrth.” It's not just downloading an app, or following a protocol or reading some blog posts. It's actively working to reach that place of okayness. 

Getting there requires work, but it's not as hard as it might seem. There are a lot of different tools you can use, and we’ve spent a good amount of time here talking about some of our favorites. They include meditation, exercise, community connectedness, service, intentionally constructed routines, digital wellness, mindfulness, therapy, and, where appropriate, medication under the supervision of a professional. 

These aren't the only tools, of course, and we are always looking to explore new ones. If you’ve got favorite strategies and techniques that you think we should talk about, we’d love to hear from you! You can drop a comment on any of our blog posts or email us at hello at getmyrth dot com.

Whatever it takes to get you to a state of Myrth, we hope you know that it's worth the effort, even if things feel really bad and even insurmountable right now. It's possible, it's doable, and it's something you can start working on right now.

Have you found yourself working toward feeling okay with imperfect circumstances? What steps have you taken to get there? We’d love to hear from you in the comments.

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