Posts in Self Care
How AI-powered wearables are revolutionizing personal fitness tracking

Personal fitness tracking has become an integral part of our lives, with more people turning to wearables to monitor their fitness levels. The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in these devices has taken personal fitness tracking to the next level, providing users with a more personalized and effective experience. With the ability to collect and analyze data in real-time, AI-powered wearables can provide customized feedback and recommendations based on users' fitness goals and performance. Additionally, these devices can also be used for health monitoring, providing users with more detailed insights into their health status. In this comprehensive blog post, we'll explore the latest trends and innovations in AI-powered wearables for personal fitness and health tracking, and their impact on wellbeing. We'll also delve into ethical considerations surrounding the use of these devices, as well as their future prospects in this exciting field.

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Digital Minimalism: 3 Questions for Long-Term Success and Happiness

We’ve recently been reading Georgetown computer science professor Cal Newport’s latest book, Digital Minimalism, and reassessing (yet again) our relationships with our phones, laptops, and apps. More mindful use of our technology will give us time and mental bandwidth for achieving the other goals we’ve set for ourselves, whether that’s creating a new habit, breaking a bad one, or something else. Read on for ideas about how to engage more mindfully with your technology.

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Embracing Silence at the Holidays - A How To

In this year of unusual holidays and milestones, we might spend a little time thinking about the importance of silence. It turns out that silence is crucial for our brains to do some really important functions. Here are some tips and how-tos to embrace silence during the holidays whether you are surrounded by people and noise, or in more silence than usual.

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